An Over Abundance of Obsession

My brain hurts. As does my ears.

For the last week we have been putting together the first five episodes of the the Spiral Tattoo. The E.I.C. has been doing a marvelous job of narrating the story while I have become a quivering, neurotic, obsessed  audio freak. Finally she snapped last night as I downloaded audio editing program number ninety-nine in my quest for the perfect sound sample.

It was quite rightly pointed out that I am never going to achieve a perfect audio file as a: we are recording in a cupboard, b: on a digital dictaphone, c: using free audio editing software and finally d: are amateurs.

Off course it could just be fear of having put it out there making my concentrate on the small blemishes in the files. 😆

So I am taking a deep breath… A very deep breath and trying to let it go… You believe me right?


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